Use this menu to open an item in the Apple Menu Items folder, or to see information about the active application or program. You can customize the items in this menu by adding or removing items from the Apple Menu Items folder.
Shows information about the Magnet application.
Sets the search specification to find files whose name contains the text entered in the field to the right
Sets the search specification to find files whose name is the same as the text entered in the field to the right
Sets the search specification to find files whose name starts with the text entered in the field to the right
Sets the search specification to find files whose name ends with the text entered in the field to the right
Control menu
Use this menu to work with exsisting magnets.
Opens a selected magnet.
Opens a selected magnet. Not available because a magnet was not selected
Opens the folder in which the selected magnet is located.
Opens the folder in which the selected magnet is located. Not available because a magnet was not selected
Disables a selected magnet and prevents it from firing.
Disables a selected magnet and prevents it from firing. Not available because a magnet was not selected
Removes a selected magnet from the control panel.
Removes a selected magnet from the control panel. Not available because a magnet was not selected
Runs a selected magnet.
Runs a selected magnet. Not available because a magnet was not selected
Locates all files that were created today
Locates all files that were created over the past 2 days
Locates all files that were created over the past 7 days
Locates all files that were created over the past month
Locates all files that were created before the date entered in the field to the right
Locates all files that were created after the date entered in the field to the right
Locates all files that were created between the dates entered in the fields to the right
Locates all files that were created exactly on the date entered in the field to the right
Edit menu
Use this menu to work with graphics and text, and to undo actions.
Cancels your last action.
Cancels your last action. Not available because your last action can not be cancelled.
Removes the selected text and places it into the Clipboard.
Removes the selected text and places it into the Clipboard. Not available because no text is selected.
Places the selected text into the Clipboard
Places the selected text into the Clipboard. Not available because no text is selected.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into the document.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into the document. Not available because there is not place to insert the text or no text has been copied.
Removes the selected text.
Removes the selected text. Not available because no text is selected.
Displays the contents of the Clipboard.
Displays the contents of the Clipboard. Not available because the Clipboard is empty.
File menu
Use this menu to perform operations with files and windows.
Opens a new magnet.
Opens an exsisting magnet.
Closes the active document.
Closes the active document. Not available because no documents are active.
Saves changes to the active document.
Saves changes to the active document. Not available because a magnet document is not active.
Saves changes to the active document.
Saves changes to the active document. Not available because a magnet document is not active.